pernahkah kita menyadari bahwa bisa jadi hari ini kita
telah mengecewakan banyak orang? Kita mengira bahwa
hari ini telah dilewati dengan lancar tanpa gangguan
dan kita akhiri hari dengan tidur nyenyak. Namun
ternyata tadi pagi, saat kita lupa men ci um tangan
orang tua untuk pamit, terbersit sedikit kecewa di
hati mereka. Tadi pagi, saat membayar ongkos bis, kita
memberikannya dengan sodoran yang kasar hingga pak
kondektur bis bertambah lelah dan penatnya bahkan
merasa terhina. Tadi pagi, saat masuk ruangan kantor,
kita lupa menyapa dan memberi salam dan senyum pada
pak satpam dan beberapa teman yang sudah datang,
hingga yang kita suguhkan hanyalah wajah lelah sehabis
turun naik bis dan kerut kening pertanda banyak
kerjaan kantor yang harus diselesaikan hari itu.
Pernahkah terpikir oleh kita, bahwa sedikit kesan tak
enak yang orang lain tangkap dari tingkah laku kita,
dapat membekas begitu dalam tanpa kita menyadarinya.
Membuat mereka merasa sedih, kecewa, kesal, atau
bahkan marah pada kita. Tanpa kita menyadari, bahwa
hari itu telah kita lewati dengan menyakiti hati
begitu banyak orang. Dan saat hati-hati mereka telah
luka, rasanya tak lagi ber arti permohonan maaf kita
saat kita ucapkan, "I didn't mean to..."
Kesalahan yang tak disengaja, terkadang membuat kita
sendiri heran. Kapan ya saya melakukan hal itu? Benar
tidak ya, saya telah bersikap kasar padanya? Ah, saya
kan tidak bermaksud begitu. I didn't mean to. Dan
sekian banyak pemaafan yang kita ukir untuk diri kita
sendiri, tanpa peduli orang tersebut masih
merasakan sakitnya hingga kini.
Tak usahlah lagi alasan itu dicari. Mari mulai
memperbaiki, mulai saat ini. Sebab kita tak pernah
tahu kapan diri kita pernah menyakiti
Pernahkah terpikir oleh kita, bahwa sedikit kesan tak
enak yang orang lain tangkap dari tingkah laku kita,
dapat membekas begitu dalam tanpa kita menyadarinya.
Membuat mereka merasa sedih, kecewa, kesal, atau
bahkan marah pada kita. Tanpa kita menyadari, bahwa
hari itu telah kita lewati dengan menyakiti hati
begitu banyak orang. Dan saat hati-hati mereka telah
luka, rasanya tak lagi ber arti permohonan maaf kita
saat kita ucapkan, "I didn't mean to..."
Kesalahan yang tak disengaja, terkadang membuat kita
sendiri heran. Kapan ya saya melakukan hal itu? Benar
tidak ya, saya telah bersikap kasar padanya? Ah, saya
kan tidak bermaksud begitu. I didn't mean to. Dan
sekian banyak pemaafan yang kita ukir untuk diri kita
sendiri, tanpa peduli orang tersebut masih
merasakan sakitnya hingga kini.
Tak usahlah lagi alasan itu dicari. Mari mulai
memperbaiki, mulai saat ini. Sebab kita tak pernah
tahu kapan diri kita pernah menyakiti
This weblog regarding of rhyme, poem, computer trick, Joke, order of life and many others. Free E-Book..Free Copy...Free anything (dari berbagai sumber)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Apakah Tuhan menciptakan segala yang ada?
Apakah kejahatan itu ada?
Apakah Tuhan menciptakan kejahatan?
Seorang Profesor dari sebuah universitas terkenal menantang para mahasiswa dengan pertanyaan ini,
"Apakah Tuhan menciptakan segala yang ada?"
Seorang mahasiswa dengan berani menjawab,
"Betul, Dia yang menciptakan semuanya"
"Tuhan menciptakan semuanya?" Tanya professor sekali lagi.
"Ya, Pak, semuanya" kata mahasiswa tersebut. Profesor itu menjawab,
"Jika Tuhan menciptakan segalanya, berarti Tuhan menciptakan Kejahatan. Karena kejahatan itu ada, dan menurut prinsip kita bahwa pekerjaan kita menjelaskan siapa kita, jadi kita bisa berasumsi bahwa Tuhan itu adalah kejahatan."
Mahasiswa itu terdiam dan tidak bisa menjawab hipotesis professor tersebut.
Profesor itu merasa menang dan menyombongkan diri bahwa sekali lagi dia telah membuktikan kalau agama itu adalah sebuah mitos.
Mahasiswa lain mengangkat tangan dan berkata, "Profesor, boleh saya bertanya sesuatu?"
"Tentu saja," jawab si Profesor
Mahasiswa itu berdiri dan bertanya, "Profesor, apakah dingin itu ada?"
"Pertanyaan macam apa itu? Tentu saja dingin itu ada. Kamu tidak pernah sakit flu?" Tanya si professor diiringi tawa mahasiswa lainnya.
Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Kenyataannya, Pak, dingin itu tidak ada. Menurut hukum fisika, yang kita anggap dingin itu adalah ketiadaan panas. Suhu -460F adalah ketiadaan panas sama sekali. Dan semua partikel menjadi diam dan tidak bisa bereaksi pada suhu tersebut. Kita menciptakan kata dingin untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan panas.
Mahasiswa itu melanjutkan, "Profesor, apakah gelap itu ada?"
Profesor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja itu ada."
Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Sekali lagi anda salah, Pak. Gelap itu juga tidak ada.
Gelap adalah keadaan dimana tidak ada cahaya. Cahaya bisa kita pelajari, gelap tidak.
Kita bisa menggunakan prisma Newton untuk memecahkan cahaya menjadi beberapa warna dan mempelajari berbagai panjang gelombang setiap warna. Tapi Anda tidak bisa mengukur gelap.
Seberapa gelap suatu ruangan diukur dengan berapa intensitas cahaya di ruangan tersebut. Kata gelap dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan cahaya."
Akhirnya mahasiswa itu bertanya, "Profesor, apakah kejahatan itu ada?"
Dengan bimbang professor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja, seperti yang telah kukatakan sebelumnya. Kita melihat setiap hari di Koran dan TV. Banyak perkara kriminal dan kekerasan di antara manusia. Perkara-perkara tersebut adalah manifestasi dari kejahatan."
Terhadap pernyataan ini mahasiswa itu menjawab,
"Sekali lagi Anda salah, Pak. Kajahatan itu tidak ada. Kejahatan adalah ketiadaan Tuhan. Seperti dingin atau gelap, kajahatan adalah kata yang dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan Tuhan. Tuhan tidak menciptakan kejahatan. Kejahatan adalah hasil dari tidak adanya Tuhan dihati manusia. Seperti dingin yang timbul dari ketiadaan panas dan gelap yang timbul dari ketiadaan cahaya."
Profesor itu terdiam.....
Anda mungkin tidak menyadari nya....
Nama mahasiswa ini cukup familiar di telinga anda...
Nama mahasiswa itu adalah ... Albert Einstein....
Apakah kejahatan itu ada?
Apakah Tuhan menciptakan kejahatan?
Seorang Profesor dari sebuah universitas terkenal menantang para mahasiswa dengan pertanyaan ini,
"Apakah Tuhan menciptakan segala yang ada?"
Seorang mahasiswa dengan berani menjawab,
"Betul, Dia yang menciptakan semuanya"
"Tuhan menciptakan semuanya?" Tanya professor sekali lagi.
"Ya, Pak, semuanya" kata mahasiswa tersebut. Profesor itu menjawab,
"Jika Tuhan menciptakan segalanya, berarti Tuhan menciptakan Kejahatan. Karena kejahatan itu ada, dan menurut prinsip kita bahwa pekerjaan kita menjelaskan siapa kita, jadi kita bisa berasumsi bahwa Tuhan itu adalah kejahatan."
Mahasiswa itu terdiam dan tidak bisa menjawab hipotesis professor tersebut.
Profesor itu merasa menang dan menyombongkan diri bahwa sekali lagi dia telah membuktikan kalau agama itu adalah sebuah mitos.
Mahasiswa lain mengangkat tangan dan berkata, "Profesor, boleh saya bertanya sesuatu?"
"Tentu saja," jawab si Profesor
Mahasiswa itu berdiri dan bertanya, "Profesor, apakah dingin itu ada?"
"Pertanyaan macam apa itu? Tentu saja dingin itu ada. Kamu tidak pernah sakit flu?" Tanya si professor diiringi tawa mahasiswa lainnya.
Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Kenyataannya, Pak, dingin itu tidak ada. Menurut hukum fisika, yang kita anggap dingin itu adalah ketiadaan panas. Suhu -460F adalah ketiadaan panas sama sekali. Dan semua partikel menjadi diam dan tidak bisa bereaksi pada suhu tersebut. Kita menciptakan kata dingin untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan panas.
Mahasiswa itu melanjutkan, "Profesor, apakah gelap itu ada?"
Profesor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja itu ada."
Mahasiswa itu menjawab, "Sekali lagi anda salah, Pak. Gelap itu juga tidak ada.
Gelap adalah keadaan dimana tidak ada cahaya. Cahaya bisa kita pelajari, gelap tidak.
Kita bisa menggunakan prisma Newton untuk memecahkan cahaya menjadi beberapa warna dan mempelajari berbagai panjang gelombang setiap warna. Tapi Anda tidak bisa mengukur gelap.
Seberapa gelap suatu ruangan diukur dengan berapa intensitas cahaya di ruangan tersebut. Kata gelap dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan cahaya."
Akhirnya mahasiswa itu bertanya, "Profesor, apakah kejahatan itu ada?"
Dengan bimbang professor itu menjawab, "Tentu saja, seperti yang telah kukatakan sebelumnya. Kita melihat setiap hari di Koran dan TV. Banyak perkara kriminal dan kekerasan di antara manusia. Perkara-perkara tersebut adalah manifestasi dari kejahatan."
Terhadap pernyataan ini mahasiswa itu menjawab,
"Sekali lagi Anda salah, Pak. Kajahatan itu tidak ada. Kejahatan adalah ketiadaan Tuhan. Seperti dingin atau gelap, kajahatan adalah kata yang dipakai manusia untuk mendeskripsikan ketiadaan Tuhan. Tuhan tidak menciptakan kejahatan. Kejahatan adalah hasil dari tidak adanya Tuhan dihati manusia. Seperti dingin yang timbul dari ketiadaan panas dan gelap yang timbul dari ketiadaan cahaya."
Profesor itu terdiam.....
Anda mungkin tidak menyadari nya....
Nama mahasiswa ini cukup familiar di telinga anda...
Nama mahasiswa itu adalah ... Albert Einstein....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Santa Claus
Santa Claus, legendary bringer of gifts at Christmas. He is generally depicted as a fat, jolly man with a white beard, dressed in a red suit trimmed with white, and driving a sleigh full of toys drawn through the air by eight reindeer. Santa (also called Saint Nicholas and Saint Nick) is said to visit on Christmas Eve, entering houses through the chimney to leave presents under the Christmas tree and in the stockings of all good children. Although this familiar image of Santa Claus is a North American invention of the 19th century, it has ancient European roots and continues to influence the celebration of Christmas throughout the world.
The historical Saint Nicholas was venerated in early Christian legend for saving storm-tossed sailors, defending young children, and giving generous gifts to the poor. Although many of the stories about Saint Nicholas are of doubtful authenticity (for example, he is said to have delivered a bag of gold to a poor family by tossing it through a window), his legend spread throughout Europe, emphasizing his role as a traditional bringer of gifts. The Christian figure of Saint Nicholas replaced or incorporated various pagan gift-giving figures such as the Roman Befana and the Germanic Berchta and Knecht Ruprecht. The saint was called Sankt Nikolaus in Germany and Sanct Herr Nicholaas or Sinter Klaas in Holland. In these countries Nicholas was sometimes said to ride through the sky on a horse. He was depicted wearing a bishop's robes and was said to be accompanied at times by Black Peter, an elf whose job was to whip the naughty children.
The feast day of Nicholas, when presents were received, was traditionally observed on December 6. After the Reformation, German Protestants encouraged veneration of the Christkindl (Christ child) as a gift giver on his own feast day, December 25. When the Nicholas tradition prevailed, it became attached to Christmas itself. Because the saint's life is so unreliably documented, Pope Paul VI ordered the feast of Saint Nicholas dropped from the official Roman Catholic calendar in 1969. The term Christkindl evolved to Kriss Kringle, another nickname for Santa Claus. Various other European Christmas gift givers were more or less similar to Saint Nicholas: Père Noël in France, Julenisse in Scandinavia, and Father Christmas in England.
The American version of the Santa Claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the Dutch legend of Sinter Klaas, brought by settlers to New York in the 17th century. As early as 1773 the name appeared in the American press as “St. A Claus,” but it was the popular author Washington Irving who gave Americans their first detailed information about the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas. In his History of New York, published in 1809 under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, Irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unaccompanied by Black Peter) each Eve of Saint Nicholas. This Dutch-American Saint Nick achieved his fully Americanized form in 1823 in the poem A Visit From Saint Nicholas—more commonly known as The Night Before Christmas—by writer Clement Clarke Moore. Moore included such details as the names of the reindeer; Santa Claus's laughs, winks, and nods; and the method by which Saint Nicholas, referred to as an elf, returns up the chimney. (Moore's phrase “lays his finger aside of his nose” was drawn directly from Irving's 1809 description.)
The American image of Santa Claus was further elaborated by illustrator Thomas Nast, who depicted a rotund Santa for Christmas issues of Harper's magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. Nast added such details as Santa's workshop at the North Pole and Santa's list of the good and bad children of the world. A human-sized version of Santa Claus, rather than the elf of Moore's poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for Coca-Cola advertisements introduced in 1931. In modern versions of the Santa Claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves. Rudolph, the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the Montgomery Ward Company.
The fully detailed modern image of Santa Claus plays a part in Christmas celebrations around the world. People are reminded of Santa Claus through advertising, greeting cards, decorations, and the annual appearance of Santas in department stores and shopping malls (in some cases accompanied by Mrs. Claus and Santa's elves). The figure of Santa Claus occurs in motion pictures—for example, Miracle on 34th Street (1947)—and in songs such as “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” (1932) and “Here Comes Santa Claus,” (1947). Children write letters to Santa Claus and set out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve as a snack for Santa.
Although most adults view Santa as the embodiment of a spirit of giving, some argue that the modern image of Santa Claus conflicts with the true meaning of Christmas and promotes greed and commercialism. To reconcile the legend of Santa Claus with the religious significance of Christmas, some Christians emphasize that the modern figure is derived from legends about a saint who symbolized love, caring, and generosity.
Contributed By:
Jan Harold Brunvand
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The historical Saint Nicholas was venerated in early Christian legend for saving storm-tossed sailors, defending young children, and giving generous gifts to the poor. Although many of the stories about Saint Nicholas are of doubtful authenticity (for example, he is said to have delivered a bag of gold to a poor family by tossing it through a window), his legend spread throughout Europe, emphasizing his role as a traditional bringer of gifts. The Christian figure of Saint Nicholas replaced or incorporated various pagan gift-giving figures such as the Roman Befana and the Germanic Berchta and Knecht Ruprecht. The saint was called Sankt Nikolaus in Germany and Sanct Herr Nicholaas or Sinter Klaas in Holland. In these countries Nicholas was sometimes said to ride through the sky on a horse. He was depicted wearing a bishop's robes and was said to be accompanied at times by Black Peter, an elf whose job was to whip the naughty children.
The feast day of Nicholas, when presents were received, was traditionally observed on December 6. After the Reformation, German Protestants encouraged veneration of the Christkindl (Christ child) as a gift giver on his own feast day, December 25. When the Nicholas tradition prevailed, it became attached to Christmas itself. Because the saint's life is so unreliably documented, Pope Paul VI ordered the feast of Saint Nicholas dropped from the official Roman Catholic calendar in 1969. The term Christkindl evolved to Kriss Kringle, another nickname for Santa Claus. Various other European Christmas gift givers were more or less similar to Saint Nicholas: Père Noël in France, Julenisse in Scandinavia, and Father Christmas in England.
The American version of the Santa Claus figure received its inspiration and its name from the Dutch legend of Sinter Klaas, brought by settlers to New York in the 17th century. As early as 1773 the name appeared in the American press as “St. A Claus,” but it was the popular author Washington Irving who gave Americans their first detailed information about the Dutch version of Saint Nicholas. In his History of New York, published in 1809 under the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker, Irving described the arrival of the saint on horseback (unaccompanied by Black Peter) each Eve of Saint Nicholas. This Dutch-American Saint Nick achieved his fully Americanized form in 1823 in the poem A Visit From Saint Nicholas—more commonly known as The Night Before Christmas—by writer Clement Clarke Moore. Moore included such details as the names of the reindeer; Santa Claus's laughs, winks, and nods; and the method by which Saint Nicholas, referred to as an elf, returns up the chimney. (Moore's phrase “lays his finger aside of his nose” was drawn directly from Irving's 1809 description.)
The American image of Santa Claus was further elaborated by illustrator Thomas Nast, who depicted a rotund Santa for Christmas issues of Harper's magazine from the 1860s to the 1880s. Nast added such details as Santa's workshop at the North Pole and Santa's list of the good and bad children of the world. A human-sized version of Santa Claus, rather than the elf of Moore's poem, was depicted in a series of illustrations for Coca-Cola advertisements introduced in 1931. In modern versions of the Santa Claus legend, only his toy-shop workers are elves. Rudolph, the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, was invented in 1939 by an advertising writer for the Montgomery Ward Company.
The fully detailed modern image of Santa Claus plays a part in Christmas celebrations around the world. People are reminded of Santa Claus through advertising, greeting cards, decorations, and the annual appearance of Santas in department stores and shopping malls (in some cases accompanied by Mrs. Claus and Santa's elves). The figure of Santa Claus occurs in motion pictures—for example, Miracle on 34th Street (1947)—and in songs such as “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” (1932) and “Here Comes Santa Claus,” (1947). Children write letters to Santa Claus and set out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve as a snack for Santa.
Although most adults view Santa as the embodiment of a spirit of giving, some argue that the modern image of Santa Claus conflicts with the true meaning of Christmas and promotes greed and commercialism. To reconcile the legend of Santa Claus with the religious significance of Christmas, some Christians emphasize that the modern figure is derived from legends about a saint who symbolized love, caring, and generosity.
Contributed By:
Jan Harold Brunvand
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
M800 Bond's Communicator
Phone Watch : Waktu yang bisa bicara – GSM Triband dng Bluetooth dan Layar Sentuh
Walau banyak tipe baru ponsel muncul di pasaran namun yang satu ini patut anda simak.
TeknoMaster International meluncurkan produk terbarunya berupa PhoneWatch yaitu GSM Handphone yang menyatu dengan Jam tangan.
Setelah santer dibicarakan di forum atau milis 2 atau 3 tahun lampau namun hanya sebatas wacana sekarang beruntung produk ini hadir di tanah air. Paling tidak dengan Jam HP ini tidak akan ada lagi cerita HP hilang karena perangkat ini melekat di tangan kita.
Layar LCD 1,3 inci, TFT resolusi warna 256 ribu menampilkan warna2 tajam nan memukau. Selain itu jam ini sudah menerapkan teknologi layar sentuh yang bisa mengenali tulisan tangan. SMS, MMS, buka Email atau bahkan chatting tidak merepotkan karena dengan stylus yang disediakan bisa mengenali setiap hurup yang digores diatasnya. Namun jika terbiasa SMS dengan mengetik hurup juga telah disediakan keypad sistem sentuh memakai stylus
Untuk mendengar suara juga telah disediakan seperangkat earphone Bluetooth. Jadi komunikasi bisa berlangsung tanpa kabel.
Untuk mendukung multimedia, perangkat ini sudah dilengkapi dng MP3 dan Mp4 player. Untuk mendengar musik disediakan Bluetooth earphone stereo. Mendukung Auto switch off jika ada panggilan masuk
Memory built in 128MB. Sedang komunikasi data bisa melalui Bluetooth dan USB POP port. Bluetooth dengan kemampuan musik stereo (A2DP) memungkinkan dipakai dengan speaker external wireless.
Untuk merekam suara bisa dilakukan langsung melalui microphone yg tersedia, dapat memilih berebagai format rekaman (AMR, WAV, AWB). Juga bisa merekam pembicaraan yang berlangsung ketika menelpon dengan jam ini.
Speaker yang terpasang di badan jam ini bisa dipakai untuk handsfree. Menelpon tanpa menggunakan stereo earphone juga bisa.
Panggilan telepon dari luar bisa dikenali melalui Ringtone polyphonic yang disediakan sebanyak 64 channel juga mendukung Mp3, Midi, WAV, WMA dan AMR. Bisa juga men-download ringtone langsung melalui internet. Buka Email, chatting atau sekedar browsing tidak masalah krn GPRS (class 10) perangkat ini mendukung WAP 2.0 xHTML.
Selain sudah dilengkapi dengan build in games, tersedia juga fasilitas kalender, to do list, alarm clock, stopwatch, kalkulator, Units conversion, exchange rate, dan Ebook reader. Fasilitas penyimpanan nomor telepon sampai 500 nomor dan dapat menyimpan 20 nomor terakhir dipanggil, diterima atau miss call. Untuk battery disediakan 2 buah kapasitas 650mAh, stand by time 120 jam, talk time 180-240 menit.
Perangkat standard terdiri dari : 1 buah jam, 2 battery, 1 Charger, 1 set Bluetooth stereo earphone, Data cable dan User Guide.
Untuk kualitas tidak perlu diragukan karena TeknoMaster memberi jaminan selama 1 tahun.Produk ini sudah dipasarkan dengan merk WOW! dan hanya bisa dibeli melalui online store .
Spesifikasi Teknis :
LCD 1.3 inch TFT260k Pixels, Resolution 128 x 160px Touching Screen.
Language English and Chinese
Ringtone 64 Polyphonic, Support format, MP3, MIDI, WAV, Incoming Ring ,
Tone,Incoming Photo, incoming movie
Music Format MP3
Movie Format MP4, Full Screen
Inner Memory 128MB
Picture Format JPG,GIF
PhoneBook 500
Message Message and MMS Supported
Switch ON/OFF user-defined Supported
Alarm MP3 Alarm
Game Picture Mosaic
Other Functions
MP3, MP4, Hand Free, Message Group Sent, Voice, Take, MMS,
Anti Incoming Ring Wall
Network GSM, GPRS, WAP, STK, A2DP Bluetooth Supported
Frequency 900/1800/1900MHz
Call Time About 3 hour
Stand By About 120 hour
Weight About 35g
Monday, December 03, 2007
Subject: Effort and simplicity
Quote 1:
Ever hear the story of the giant ship engine that failed?
The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could
figure out how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who
had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag
of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work.
He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship's
owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do.
After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled
out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine
lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was
A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten
thousand dollars. "What?" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did
anything!" So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an
itemized bill."
The man sent a bill that read:
Tapping with a hammer $2.00
Knowing where to tap $9998.00
Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life
makes all the difference.
Quote 2:
One of the most memorable case studies I came across on Japanese
management was the case of the empty soap box, which happened in one of
Japan's biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint
that a consumer had bought a soap box that was empty.
Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line,
which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery
department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line
Management asked its engineers to solve the problem. The engineers
worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors
manned by two people to watch all the soap boxes that passed through the
line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and
fast but they have to spend many hours looking at boxes.
But when a rank-and-file employee in a small company was posed with the
same problem? He did not get into complications of X-rays, etc. but
instead came out with another solution. He bought a strong industrial
electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan
on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes
out of the line.
Devise the simplest possible solution that solves the problem. Learn
to focus on solutions not on problems. Be simple, solve simply.
Ever hear the story of the giant ship engine that failed?
The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could
figure out how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who
had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag
of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work.
He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship's
owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do.
After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled
out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine
lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was
A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten
thousand dollars. "What?" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did
anything!" So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an
itemized bill."
The man sent a bill that read:
Tapping with a hammer $2.00
Knowing where to tap $9998.00
Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life
makes all the difference.
Quote 2:
One of the most memorable case studies I came across on Japanese
management was the case of the empty soap box, which happened in one of
Japan's biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint
that a consumer had bought a soap box that was empty.
Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line,
which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery
department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly line
Management asked its engineers to solve the problem. The engineers
worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors
manned by two people to watch all the soap boxes that passed through the
line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and
fast but they have to spend many hours looking at boxes.
But when a rank-and-file employee in a small company was posed with the
same problem? He did not get into complications of X-rays, etc. but
instead came out with another solution. He bought a strong industrial
electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan
on, and as each soap box passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes
out of the line.
Devise the simplest possible solution that solves the problem. Learn
to focus on solutions not on problems. Be simple, solve simply.
Nine words women use...
1.) Fine :
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are
right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes :
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.
Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing :
This is the calm before the storm. This means something,
and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing
usually ends in "fine".
4.) Go Ahead :
This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh :
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement
often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That's Okay :
This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman
can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks :
A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just
say you're welcome.
8.) Whatever :
Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it :
Another dangerous statement, meaning
this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are
right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes :
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.
Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing :
This is the calm before the storm. This means something,
and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing
usually ends in "fine".
4.) Go Ahead :
This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh :
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement
often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That's Okay :
This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman
can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks :
A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just
say you're welcome.
8.) Whatever :
Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it :
Another dangerous statement, meaning
this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Never frown even when u'r sad, Coz u never know who is fallin in love with ur smile
Tuhan memberiku sebuah tugas,
yaitu membawa keong jalan-jalan.
Aku tak dapat jalan terlalu cepat,
keong sudah berusaha keras merangkak,
Setiap kali hanya beralih sedemikian sedikit
Aku mendesak, menghardik, memarahinya,
Keong memandangku dengan pandangan meminta-maaf,
Serasa berkata : "aku sudah berusaha dengan segenap tenaga !"
Aku menariknya, menyeret, bahkan menendangnya, keong terluka.
Ia mengucurkan keringat, nafas tersengal-sengal, merangkak ke depan.
Sungguh aneh,
mengapa Tuhan memintaku mengajak seekor keong berjalan-jalan.
Ya Tuhan! Mengapa?
Langit sunyi-senyap
Biarkan saja keong merangkak didepan,
aku kesal dibelakang.
Pelankan langkah, tenangkan hati...
Oh? Tiba-tiba tercium aroma bunga,
ternyata ini adalah sebuah taman bunga.
Aku rasakan hembusan sepoi angin,
ternyata angin malam demikian lembut.
Ada lagi! Aku dengar suara kicau
burung, suara dengung cacing.
Aku lihat langit penuh bintang cemerlang.
Mengapa dulu tidak rasakan semua ini?
Barulah aku teringat,
Mungkin aku telah salah menduga!
Ternyata Tuhan meminta keong menuntunku jalan-jalan sehingga aku dapat mamahami dan merasakan keindahan taman ini yang tak pernah kualami kalo aku berjalan sendiri dengan cepatnya.
"He's here and with me for a reason"
Saat bertemu dengan orang yang benar-benar engkau kasihi,
Haruslah berusaha memperoleh kesempatan untuk bersamanya seumur hidupmu.
Karena ketika dia telah pergi, segalanya telah terlambat.
Saat bertemu teman yang dapat dipercaya,
rukunlah bersamanya.
Karena seumur hidup manusia,
teman sejati tak mudah ditemukan.
Saat bertemu penolongmu,
Ingat untuk bersyukur padanya.
Karena ialah yang mengubah hidupmu
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah kau cintai,
Ingatlah dengan tersenyum untuk berterima-kasih.
Karena ia lah orang yang membuatmu lebih mengerti tentang kasih.
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah kau benci,
Sapalah dengan tersenyum.
Karena ia membuatmu semakin teguh/kuat.
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah mengkhianatimu,
Baik-baiklah berbincanglah dengannya.
Karena jika bukan karena dia,
Hari ini engkau tak memahami dunia ini.
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah diam-diam kau cintai,
Berkatilah dia.
Karena saat kau mencintainya,
Bukankah berharap ia bahagia?
Saat bertemu orang yang tergesa-gesa meninggalkanmu,
Berterima-kasihlah bahwa ia pernah ada dalam hidupmu.
Karena ia adalah bagian dari nostalgiamu
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah salah-paham padamu,
Gunakan saat tersebut untuk menjelaskannya.
Karena engkau mungkin hanya punya satu kesempatan itu saja untuk menjelaskan.
Saat bertemu orang yang saat ini menemanimu seumur hidup,
Berterima-kasihlah sepenuhnya bahwa ia mencintaimu.
Karena saat ini kalian mendapatkan kebahagiaan dan cinta sejati
Saat melihat dirimu hari ini,
Bercerminlah dalam-dalam ke lubuk hati dan bersyukurlah,
Karena kau ada disini ^_^ v
Never frown even when u'r sad, Coz u never know who is fallin in love with ur smile
yaitu membawa keong jalan-jalan.
Aku tak dapat jalan terlalu cepat,
keong sudah berusaha keras merangkak,
Setiap kali hanya beralih sedemikian sedikit
Aku mendesak, menghardik, memarahinya,
Keong memandangku dengan pandangan meminta-maaf,
Serasa berkata : "aku sudah berusaha dengan segenap tenaga !"
Aku menariknya, menyeret, bahkan menendangnya, keong terluka.
Ia mengucurkan keringat, nafas tersengal-sengal, merangkak ke depan.
Sungguh aneh,
mengapa Tuhan memintaku mengajak seekor keong berjalan-jalan.
Ya Tuhan! Mengapa?
Langit sunyi-senyap
Biarkan saja keong merangkak didepan,
aku kesal dibelakang.
Pelankan langkah, tenangkan hati...
Oh? Tiba-tiba tercium aroma bunga,
ternyata ini adalah sebuah taman bunga.
Aku rasakan hembusan sepoi angin,
ternyata angin malam demikian lembut.
Ada lagi! Aku dengar suara kicau
burung, suara dengung cacing.
Aku lihat langit penuh bintang cemerlang.
Mengapa dulu tidak rasakan semua ini?
Barulah aku teringat,
Mungkin aku telah salah menduga!
Ternyata Tuhan meminta keong menuntunku jalan-jalan sehingga aku dapat mamahami dan merasakan keindahan taman ini yang tak pernah kualami kalo aku berjalan sendiri dengan cepatnya.
"He's here and with me for a reason"
Saat bertemu dengan orang yang benar-benar engkau kasihi,
Haruslah berusaha memperoleh kesempatan untuk bersamanya seumur hidupmu.
Karena ketika dia telah pergi, segalanya telah terlambat.
Saat bertemu teman yang dapat dipercaya,
rukunlah bersamanya.
Karena seumur hidup manusia,
teman sejati tak mudah ditemukan.
Saat bertemu penolongmu,
Ingat untuk bersyukur padanya.
Karena ialah yang mengubah hidupmu
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah kau cintai,
Ingatlah dengan tersenyum untuk berterima-kasih.
Karena ia lah orang yang membuatmu lebih mengerti tentang kasih.
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah kau benci,
Sapalah dengan tersenyum.
Karena ia membuatmu semakin teguh/kuat.
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah mengkhianatimu,
Baik-baiklah berbincanglah dengannya.
Karena jika bukan karena dia,
Hari ini engkau tak memahami dunia ini.
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah diam-diam kau cintai,
Berkatilah dia.
Karena saat kau mencintainya,
Bukankah berharap ia bahagia?
Saat bertemu orang yang tergesa-gesa meninggalkanmu,
Berterima-kasihlah bahwa ia pernah ada dalam hidupmu.
Karena ia adalah bagian dari nostalgiamu
Saat bertemu orang yang pernah salah-paham padamu,
Gunakan saat tersebut untuk menjelaskannya.
Karena engkau mungkin hanya punya satu kesempatan itu saja untuk menjelaskan.
Saat bertemu orang yang saat ini menemanimu seumur hidup,
Berterima-kasihlah sepenuhnya bahwa ia mencintaimu.
Karena saat ini kalian mendapatkan kebahagiaan dan cinta sejati
Saat melihat dirimu hari ini,
Bercerminlah dalam-dalam ke lubuk hati dan bersyukurlah,
Karena kau ada disini ^_^ v
Never frown even when u'r sad, Coz u never know who is fallin in love with ur smile
The Pastor and his son
A good reminder of God's Love.
Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor
and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.
This particular Sunday
afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets
with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring down rain.
Theboy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, "OK, dad,
I'm ready."
His Pastor dad asked, "Ready for what?"
"Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out." Dad responds,
"Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring down rain."
The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, "But Dad, aren't people
still going to Hell, even though it's raining?"
Dad answers, "Son, I am not going out in this weather." Despondently, the
boy asks, "Dad, can I go? Please?"
His father hesitated for a moment then said, "Son, you can go. Here are
the tracts, be careful son."
"Thanks Dad!"
And with that, he was off and out into the rain. his eleven year old boy
walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he
met in the street a Gospel Tract.
After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet
and down to his VERY LAST TRACT. He stopped on a corner and looked for
someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.
Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to
the front door and rang the door bell. He rang the bell, but nobody
answered. He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited
but still no answer.
Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something
stopped him. Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked
loudly on the door with his fist. He waited, something holding him there
the front porch! He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.
Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking elderly lady. She softly
asked, "What can I do for you, son?" With radiant eyes and a smile that
up her world, this little boy said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you,
but I just want to tell you that *JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU* and I came
give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and
His great LOVE."
With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. She called to
him as he departed. "Thank you, son! And God Bless You!"
Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit.
As the service began, he asked, "Does anybody have any testimony or want
to say anything?"
Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet.
As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, "No
one in this church knows me. I've never been here before. You see, before
last Sunday I was not a Christian. My husband passed on some time ago,
leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday, being a particularly
cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end
of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live.
So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of
my home. I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on
the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing
on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted I was about to leap off, when
suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought,
"I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away." I waited and waited,
but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly. I thought to myself again, "Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me." I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder.
When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for
on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever
seen in my life. His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! The
that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP
TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, "Ma'am, I just came to
tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU." Then he gave me this Gospel
Tract that I now hold in my hand.
As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed
my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract. Then I went up to
my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn't be needing them any more.
You see---I am now a Happy Child of the KING. Since the address of your
church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to
say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just
in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in
There was not a dry eye in the church. And as shouts of praise and honor
to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad
descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was
He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Probably no church
has had a more glorious moment, and probably this universe has never seen
a papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son... Except for One.
Our Father also allowed His Son to go out into a cold and dark world. He
received His Son back with joy unspeakable, and as all of heaven shouted
praises and honor to The King, the Father sat His beloved Son on a throne
far above all principality and power and every name that is named.
Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.
Don't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others. Heaven is
for His people!
God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you.
Please share this wonderful message...
"Faith is the affirmation and the act that bids eternal truth be present
Just 3 Words
Three things
in life that, once gone, never come back -
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity
Three things in life that can destroy a person -
1. Anger
2. Pride
3. Unforgiveness
Three things in life that you should never lose-
1. Hope
2. Peace
3. Honesty
Three things in life that are most valuable -
1. Love
2. Family & Friends
3. Kindness
things in life that are never certain -
1. Fortune
2. Success
3. Dreams
Three things that make a person -
1. Commitment
2. Sincerity
3. Hard work
Three things that are truly constant -
Father - Son - Holy Spirit
I ask the Lord to bless you, as I pray for you today;
to guide you and protect you, as you go along your way.
God's love is always with you, God's promises are true.
And when you give God all your cares,
you know God will see you through.
Pass this along to People you want God to Bless - I just did!
~~***My God Reigns***~~~
NO one falls in love
by choice,
it is by CHANCE.
No one stays in love
by chance,
it is by WORK.
And no one falls
out of love by chance,
it is by CHOICE
scroll down
If you love this man
please forward this message.
He did something for you,
now do something for him.
Spread his word,
and you'll be rewarded.
How will you be rewarded?
Matthew 10:32
"Whoever acknowledges
Me before men,
I will acknowledge him
before My Father in heaven.
But whoever disowns Me
before men, I will disown
him before My Father
in heaven"
Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor
and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.
This particular Sunday
afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets
with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring down rain.
Theboy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, "OK, dad,
I'm ready."
His Pastor dad asked, "Ready for what?"
"Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and go out." Dad responds,
"Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring down rain."
The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, "But Dad, aren't people
still going to Hell, even though it's raining?"
Dad answers, "Son, I am not going out in this weather." Despondently, the
boy asks, "Dad, can I go? Please?"
His father hesitated for a moment then said, "Son, you can go. Here are
the tracts, be careful son."
"Thanks Dad!"
And with that, he was off and out into the rain. his eleven year old boy
walked the streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he
met in the street a Gospel Tract.
After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet
and down to his VERY LAST TRACT. He stopped on a corner and looked for
someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted.
Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to
the front door and rang the door bell. He rang the bell, but nobody
answered. He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited
but still no answer.
Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something
stopped him. Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked
loudly on the door with his fist. He waited, something holding him there
the front porch! He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.
Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking elderly lady. She softly
asked, "What can I do for you, son?" With radiant eyes and a smile that
up her world, this little boy said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you,
but I just want to tell you that *JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU* and I came
give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and
His great LOVE."
With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. She called to
him as he departed. "Thank you, son! And God Bless You!"
Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit.
As the service began, he asked, "Does anybody have any testimony or want
to say anything?"
Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet.
As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, "No
one in this church knows me. I've never been here before. You see, before
last Sunday I was not a Christian. My husband passed on some time ago,
leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday, being a particularly
cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end
of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live.
So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of
my home. I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on
the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing
on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted I was about to leap off, when
suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought,
"I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away." I waited and waited,
but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly. I thought to myself again, "Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me." I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder.
When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for
on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever
seen in my life. His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! The
that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP
TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, "Ma'am, I just came to
tell you that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU." Then he gave me this Gospel
Tract that I now hold in my hand.
As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed
my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract. Then I went up to
my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn't be needing them any more.
You see---I am now a Happy Child of the KING. Since the address of your
church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to
say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just
in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in
There was not a dry eye in the church. And as shouts of praise and honor
to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad
descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was
He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Probably no church
has had a more glorious moment, and probably this universe has never seen
a papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son... Except for One.
Our Father also allowed His Son to go out into a cold and dark world. He
received His Son back with joy unspeakable, and as all of heaven shouted
praises and honor to The King, the Father sat His beloved Son on a throne
far above all principality and power and every name that is named.
Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.
Don't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others. Heaven is
for His people!
God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you.
Please share this wonderful message...
"Faith is the affirmation and the act that bids eternal truth be present
Just 3 Words
Three things
in life that, once gone, never come back -
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity
Three things in life that can destroy a person -
1. Anger
2. Pride
3. Unforgiveness
Three things in life that you should never lose-
1. Hope
2. Peace
3. Honesty
Three things in life that are most valuable -
1. Love
2. Family & Friends
3. Kindness
things in life that are never certain -
1. Fortune
2. Success
3. Dreams
Three things that make a person -
1. Commitment
2. Sincerity
3. Hard work
Three things that are truly constant -
Father - Son - Holy Spirit
I ask the Lord to bless you, as I pray for you today;
to guide you and protect you, as you go along your way.
God's love is always with you, God's promises are true.
And when you give God all your cares,
you know God will see you through.
Pass this along to People you want God to Bless - I just did!
~~***My God Reigns***~~~
NO one falls in love
by choice,
it is by CHANCE.
No one stays in love
by chance,
it is by WORK.
And no one falls
out of love by chance,
it is by CHOICE
scroll down
If you love this man
please forward this message.
He did something for you,
now do something for him.
Spread his word,
and you'll be rewarded.
How will you be rewarded?
Matthew 10:32
"Whoever acknowledges
Me before men,
I will acknowledge him
before My Father in heaven.
But whoever disowns Me
before men, I will disown
him before My Father
in heaven"
Air putih itu ternyata memiliki daya penyembuh. Entah itu dengan cara diminum ataupun untuk berendam. Dengan suhu dingin atau hangat, bahkan ada yang
Air putih itu ternyata memiliki daya penyembuh. Entah itu dengan cara diminum ataupun untuk berendam. Dengan suhu dingin atau hangat, bahkan ada yang mengkombinasikan terapi air dengan alunan musik yang diperdengarkan lewat kolam. Lalu ada juga mitos kebiasaan mandi dengan air dingin di pagi hari itu katanya bisa menyehatkan tubuh. Jadi, benar nggak sih Air putih memiliki daya penyembuh..... penasaran kan...! Ayo... simak ulasan berikut ini supaya kita tahu lebih banyak si daya penyembuh ini.
Dalam tubuh kita air sangat diperlukan supaya tekanan darah terpelihara dan pemompaan jantung berjalan baik. Air juga akan mengangkut produk-produk sisa dari tubuh. Dalam prosesnya, ia juga melumasi persendian. Untuk itu, setiap harinya Anda memerlukan paling tidak 3 liter air.
Pada dasarnya, tubuh kita mengandung 45 - 55 liter air. Kandungan ini mencapai 40 - 50 % dari seluruh bagian tubuh. Otak saja terdiri dari air sebanyak 75 %. Sayangnya, walaupun tubuh manusia lebih banyak terdiri atas air, tapi kita justru setiap harinya kehilangan banyak air. Anda kehilangan sekitar 3,5 liter air sehari meskipun hanya duduk-duduk saja. Air akan makin tercurah keluar dari tubuh bila Anda melakukan aktivitas yang cukup menguras tenaga.
Celakanya lagi, kebanyakan orang hanya akan minum kalau merasa haus. Padahal, rasa haus itu sendiri bukan indikasi yang baik mengenai kebutuhan tubuh akan air. Dr. James M. Rippe, kardiolog dan direktur latihan di Sekolah Medis Massachusetts, menyarankan untuk secara sadar minum paling sedikit 1 liter lebih banyak dari apa yang dibutuhkan rasa haus Anda.
Rippe menekankan, orang yang tinggal di daerah beriklim tropis seperti Indonesia, harus lebih memperhatikan kehilangan dan penggantian cairan ini. Bahkan dalam keadaan fit pun, Anda tidak akan dapat melakukan yang terbaik jika kebutuhan tubuh Anda akan air tidak terpenuhi.
Kehilangan 4 % cairan saja akan mengakibatkan penurunan kinerja Anda sebanyak 22 %. Jika kehilangan cairan lebih dari 7 %, Anda mulai merasa lemah, lesu, dan pusing-pusing. Karena itu, dianjurkan untuk minum dengan cukup meski belum merasa haus.
Pengaruh Suhu
Suhu dan kondisi lingkungan juga ikut menentukan kebutuhan akan air. Bekerja di ruangan ber-AC misalnya, membuat Anda lebih cepat mengalami dehidrasi (kekurangan air). Maka, minumlah sering-sering, terlebih bila merasakan temperatur ruang kerja naik turun.
Apalagi buat mereka yang kulitnya tergolong kering. Perubahan suhu ruangan akan membuat kulit mengering karena kelembapan ruangan sering tidak menentu. Minum air akan membantu menetralisasikan pengaruh perubahan itu.
Tidak ada dampak buruk karena minum terlalu banyak. Justru kotoran-kotoran tubuh akan cepat keluar lewat urine yang keluar akibat minum air banyak-banyak. Selain itu air tidak mengandung kalori, gula, atau lemak sehingga menyehatkan. Minum banyak air bahkan dapat menyembuhkan penyakit ginjal kronis.
Bagi Anda yang menjalani program diet, air alami lebih baik diminum daripada minuman-minuman rendah kalori yang dipasarkan. Satu dua gelas air hangat sebelum makan akan membuat Anda agak kenyang sehingga menolong mengurangi jumlah makanan yang masuk.
Sementara bagi yang ingin selalu sehat dan terhindar dari penyakit, paling baik minum delapan gelas air (sekitar 2 liter) sehari. Yang baik adalah air hangat, tidak terlalu dingin, tidak terlalu panas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik, minumlah dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum sarapan, dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum makan siang, dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum makan malam, dan dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum tidur malam. Lakukan secara disiplin, maka hasilnya akan terlihat dalam 2-3 bulan kemudian.
Jim Jones, pakar makanan terkemuka di Amerika Serikat, juga mengatakan, banyak orang yang ingin sehat tetapi melupakan minum minuman paling sederhana, air putih. Mereka malah minum minuman populer seperti kopi, teh, atau cola. Mereka beranggapan semua itu bisa menggantikan air putih.
Pemikiran itu jelas keliru. Air putih menyediakan manfaat kesehatan yang tidak dapat diberikan oleh minuman-minuman macam itu. Bahkan sari buah-buahan yang penuh vitamin sekali pun tak bisa menandinginya. Meski dari segi nutrisi penting, tapi sari buah-buahan tidak membersihkan tubuh Anda.
Dalam tubuh kita air sangat diperlukan supaya tekanan darah terpelihara dan pemompaan jantung berjalan baik. Air juga akan mengangkut produk-produk sisa dari tubuh. Dalam prosesnya, ia juga melumasi persendian. Untuk itu, setiap harinya Anda memerlukan paling tidak 3 liter air.
Pada dasarnya, tubuh kita mengandung 45 - 55 liter air. Kandungan ini mencapai 40 - 50 % dari seluruh bagian tubuh. Otak saja terdiri dari air sebanyak 75 %. Sayangnya, walaupun tubuh manusia lebih banyak terdiri atas air, tapi kita justru setiap harinya kehilangan banyak air. Anda kehilangan sekitar 3,5 liter air sehari meskipun hanya duduk-duduk saja. Air akan makin tercurah keluar dari tubuh bila Anda melakukan aktivitas yang cukup menguras tenaga.
Celakanya lagi, kebanyakan orang hanya akan minum kalau merasa haus. Padahal, rasa haus itu sendiri bukan indikasi yang baik mengenai kebutuhan tubuh akan air. Dr. James M. Rippe, kardiolog dan direktur latihan di Sekolah Medis Massachusetts, menyarankan untuk secara sadar minum paling sedikit 1 liter lebih banyak dari apa yang dibutuhkan rasa haus Anda.
Rippe menekankan, orang yang tinggal di daerah beriklim tropis seperti Indonesia, harus lebih memperhatikan kehilangan dan penggantian cairan ini. Bahkan dalam keadaan fit pun, Anda tidak akan dapat melakukan yang terbaik jika kebutuhan tubuh Anda akan air tidak terpenuhi.
Kehilangan 4 % cairan saja akan mengakibatkan penurunan kinerja Anda sebanyak 22 %. Jika kehilangan cairan lebih dari 7 %, Anda mulai merasa lemah, lesu, dan pusing-pusing. Karena itu, dianjurkan untuk minum dengan cukup meski belum merasa haus.
Pengaruh Suhu
Suhu dan kondisi lingkungan juga ikut menentukan kebutuhan akan air. Bekerja di ruangan ber-AC misalnya, membuat Anda lebih cepat mengalami dehidrasi (kekurangan air). Maka, minumlah sering-sering, terlebih bila merasakan temperatur ruang kerja naik turun.
Apalagi buat mereka yang kulitnya tergolong kering. Perubahan suhu ruangan akan membuat kulit mengering karena kelembapan ruangan sering tidak menentu. Minum air akan membantu menetralisasikan pengaruh perubahan itu.
Tidak ada dampak buruk karena minum terlalu banyak. Justru kotoran-kotoran tubuh akan cepat keluar lewat urine yang keluar akibat minum air banyak-banyak. Selain itu air tidak mengandung kalori, gula, atau lemak sehingga menyehatkan. Minum banyak air bahkan dapat menyembuhkan penyakit ginjal kronis.
Bagi Anda yang menjalani program diet, air alami lebih baik diminum daripada minuman-minuman rendah kalori yang dipasarkan. Satu dua gelas air hangat sebelum makan akan membuat Anda agak kenyang sehingga menolong mengurangi jumlah makanan yang masuk.
Sementara bagi yang ingin selalu sehat dan terhindar dari penyakit, paling baik minum delapan gelas air (sekitar 2 liter) sehari. Yang baik adalah air hangat, tidak terlalu dingin, tidak terlalu panas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik, minumlah dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum sarapan, dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum makan siang, dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum makan malam, dan dua gelas besar 1-2 jam sebelum tidur malam. Lakukan secara disiplin, maka hasilnya akan terlihat dalam 2-3 bulan kemudian.
Jim Jones, pakar makanan terkemuka di Amerika Serikat, juga mengatakan, banyak orang yang ingin sehat tetapi melupakan minum minuman paling sederhana, air putih. Mereka malah minum minuman populer seperti kopi, teh, atau cola. Mereka beranggapan semua itu bisa menggantikan air putih.
Pemikiran itu jelas keliru. Air putih menyediakan manfaat kesehatan yang tidak dapat diberikan oleh minuman-minuman macam itu. Bahkan sari buah-buahan yang penuh vitamin sekali pun tak bisa menandinginya. Meski dari segi nutrisi penting, tapi sari buah-buahan tidak membersihkan tubuh Anda.
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